Hello, friends if you are a coin master user. You have Over 100 Players Can Now Raid You What You Want to Know About. Then you have come to the right post. This is a notice that Coin Master gives to its users. Those who stock more coins than the limit. I will give you full information about Over 100 Players Can Now Raid You in this post.
Table of Contents
Over 50 or 100 Players Can Now Raid You!
Coin Master can give you two types of notices. First over 50 and second over a hundred players can now raid you. When you collect coins to complete village and Viking quests all at once. So you accumulated a lot of coins.
Coin Master gives you a limit of coins, you cannot deposit any more than that limit. If you say so, then Coin Master gets 50 to hundreds of people raided on your ID so that your coins become less than stock.
Coin master first sends you a notice for warning after which he gets a lot of raids done on your ID. Raid is done until your coin stock reaches the limit. As soon as you reach near the limit. You stop getting raided.
When Do We Get This Warning?
Coin Master gives this warning to its user until the user has accumulated more coins than the limit and does not use the coins. The coin limit depends on the price of the village. If you keep coins 5 times more than your village price.
Then you too will get this warning. For Example, If you are on 160 village Supervillain the cost of that village is 32 billion plus you stock 32 * 5 more than 160 billion coins. Then you are given a warning notice. 2nd exam moment if you are on 76 village Scientist whose village cost is 1 billion and you keep 1 * 5 more than 5 billion coins during this village then you are sent a warning notice.
Always keep the coin limit in mind. If you want to know about the Village Coast List, then definitely read this post so that you have a good idea of the price of the village. You were able to enjoy the Coin Master game very well.
How to Avoid Over 100 Players Can Now Raid You.
By the way, it is difficult to avoid a raid after this warning message. Until the coin limit is reached. You will continue to look raid. I give you some tips to avoid raids, using this you can avoid raids as well as save coins.
First of all, find out about your village’s cost. Multiply the village price by 5 times. What extra amount is left with you? You buy the chest from him. Keep buying until the extra coins are completed. By doing this you will be able to save some coins.
The second method is that you can quickly complete one or two villages with your coins. By doing this your coins will fall below the stock limit and you will not get a raid warning. Stocking coins in Coin Master is a good thing, but you should also keep in mind the coin stock limit of Coin Master. I hope that if you follow the given rule then you will be able to avoid the raid warning.
Relevant Reads:-
- Village Master & Village Mania
- Coin Master VIP Account
- Coin Master Free Spins Link Today
- Coin Master All Village Cost List
If You Have Over 100 Players Can Now Raid You! If you have received the warning or have any information related to it, as well as if you need any help related to Coin Master, then definitely write in the comment box.
I hope you have liked this article What is Over 100 Players Can Now Raid You. I always try to give readers complete information on coin master so that they do not have to search for this article on other sites or the internet. beyond which they will also save time and get all the information in one place.
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